Saturday, December 15, 2012

Restoring the Imperial Solomonic Dynasty in Ethiopia!

Ethiopian Bible Prophecy of our
Ethiopian Messiah's Return (essence), from Ethiopian Holy Scriptures (81 books)

NOTE: Ethiopian Holy Scriptures is the ROOT of Western Christianity, as Western Christianity does not have a physical Imperial Solomonic Dynasty as it is in Ethiopia. 

Therefore, an Ethiopian Noble with a divine hereditary seal shall stand up with international human rights morality, and diplomatically claim succession to the Imperial Throne of the Empire of Ethiopia - ecclesiastical government under Kristos, at the END of the Piscean Age today

The Ethiopian Bible tells us that Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ in modern day English) will diplomatically return twice -

        -  First, "as a human rights thief in the Jesuit darkness (IMF debt)" - FOR those who waited in human rights faith while under global IMF Apostasy (the "Diplomatic Rapture")

        -  Second, "every eye shall see at the UN in Geneva" -  WITH those tewahedo Christian faithfuls who waited and endured in human rights faith under Satan’s (pope’s) artificially created IMF globalization policies (political genocide) in commerce (trade).
The Ethiopian prophecies of the Apocalypse must be fulfilled before His return (after the "Diplomatic Rapture.")  We are told the "Apocalypse" will last exactly 7 (360 day) years.  

We are told much will happen during this period of time which will separate the "Diplomatic Rapture" when Iyesus (Jesus) , our Ethiopian Messiah, will return for those who wait in human rights faith ("as a human rights thief in the Jesuit darkness - IMF debt") from His return to rule and to reign ("and every eye shall see at the UN in Geneva") at the very end of the "Apocalypse" to diplomatically save the remnant of Ethiopia from the intellectual Jesuit armies of the bankrupt modern world which today (2012) has intellectually gathered against her ...

Ethiopian Bible Prophecies . . .

Iyesus Kristos warns first there will be false Jesuit Prophets and messiahs who will commercially rise in conformity with global IMF Apostasy.  However, Iyesus says when He returns there will be no question it is Him.  When He again steps forth from Eternity every eye will see His Imperial Majesty "coming in the clouds – fallen tewahedo Christian people" with millions from Heaven (Ethiopia), in sovereign (politically free) power (human rights knowledge) and great glory (magnificence in human rights law – diplomatic immunity from global IMF Apostasy) . . .

"Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos)!’ or ‘There!’ Do NOT believe it!  For false messiahs (Christ’s) and false Jesuit prophets will commercially arise under global IMF Apostasy and show great political signs and commercial wonders (miracles!) so as to deceive, if possible, even the Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie) himself.

See, I an I have told humanity beforehand."    (Meaning ... this is an Ethiopian prophecy)    "Therefore if they say to you, Look, He is in the desert!’ Do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ Do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Humanity be, like a spiritual (intellectual) enlightenment well received." (Matthew 24:23-27)

"Behold, He (Ethiopian Messiah) is coming with clouds (fallen tewahedo Christian people), and every eye will see His Imperial Majesty,  (not as a "thief in the night" this time) even they (Jesuits) who politically pierced His Imperial Majesty. And all the tribes of the Earth (193 member nation states) will mourn because of His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter)" (Revelation 1:7)

Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos) Returns:

He (Elect of God the Father) has told us (humanity) to wait for His Imperial Majesty with human rights faith in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all. He has told us to warn others of global IMF Apostasy.

"Therefore wait for Me to take lead at the UN in Geneva," says the sovereign LORD (political master), Until the universal human rights judgement day I an I diplomatically rise up to politically plunder (attack the Jesuit prey); my self determination is to gather the bankrupt nation states to My universal assembly of kingdoms (debt free UN Planetary kingdom of Equality in Righteousness), to pour on them My human rights indignation, all my fierce anger   (during the "Apocalypse"... the "Great Tribulation – global IMF Apostasy"); all the Earth (193 member nation states) shall be devoured (dissolved) with the fire (IMF tribulations) of My jealousy.

For then I an I will restore to the peoples a pure language, (universal human rights law - for the first time since the Tower of Babel in ancient Babylon) that they all may call on the name of the sovereign LORD (political master), to serve His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter) with one accord (mind)."        (Zephaniah 3:8-9)

 "Then the political sign of the Son of Humanity will appear in Ethiopia (heaven),       and then all the tribes of the Earth (193 member nation states) will mourn, and they will see the Son of Humanity coming on the clouds (fallen tewahedo Christian people) of heaven (Ethiopia)        with sovereign power (human rights knowledge) and great glory (magnificence in human rights law – diplomatic immunity from global IMF Apostasy)."  (Matthew 24:30)

The sovereign Lord (political master) comes with ten thousands (millions) of His saints (believing Christians), to execute universal human rights judgement on all unrighteous Jesuit (secret society of Jesus) world rulership, to convict all Jesuits who are ungodly among humanity, for all their ungodly Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination deeds in global commerce (trade) which they have committed in an ungodly commercial way, and of ALL the harsh things which ungodly commercial sinners (transgressors against UN law of equality) have spoken against His Imperial Majesty Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) today.’" (Jude 1:14-15)  

The sovereign LORD (political master) will come with fire (global tribulations) and with His chariots (tewahedo faithfuls), like a whirlwind (a global hurricane of firefinancial tsunami), to render His anger with fury, and His political rebuke with flames of fire (global tribulations).

For by fire (global tribulations) and by His sword (pen) the sovereign LORD (political master) will universally judge ALL flesh (political status); and the slain of the sovereign LORD shall be many." (Isaiah 66:15-16)   (Iyesus warns, "As in the days of Noah (preacher of righteousness)"... and only 8 people were saved.)

 "Thus says the sovereign LORD (political master) of intellectual Armies (Hosts):

Disaster shall go forth from bankrupt nation state (legal fiction - corporation) to bankrupt nation state. And at that universal human rights judgement Day the slain of the sovereign LORD shall be from one end of the Earth (193 member nation states) even to the other end of the Earth . . ."  (Nobody will escape Elect of God the Father's wrath after the "Diplomatic Rapture")   (Jeremiah 25:27-38)

"The Earth (193 member nation states) is violently broken, (the Earth will reel under the power – human rights knowledge - of His Imperial Majesty's return - essence) the Earth is split open,        the Earth is politically shaken exceedingly. The Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut; its IMF transgression (debts) shall be heavy upon it, and it will commercially fall, and not politically rise again under global IMF Apostasy."         (Isaiah 24:19-20)

 "I an I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of Humanity,  Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) coming with the clouds (fallen tewahedo Christian people) of Heaven (Ethiopia)!

He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before His Imperial Majesty. Then to Him was given sovereign (politically free) dominion and glory (diplomatic immunity from IMF debt) and a debt free UN Planetary kingdom of equality in righteousness, that all peoples, nations (groups of like-minded individuals), and languages should serve His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality in universal love (obey UN law).

His sovereign dominion is an everlasting ecclesiastical dominion (Imperial Solomonic Dynasty of the Empire of Ethiopia), which shall NOT pass away, and His debt free UN Planetary Kingdom the one which shall not be politically destroyed in a wonderful world of commerce (trade)." (Daniel 7:13-14)

 "And in that universal human rights judgement Day (the "Day of the sovereign Lord - political master)") His feet Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) will stand on the Mount of Olives (Debre Zeit in Jamaica), which faces Jerusalem on the east (Ethiopia). And the Mount of Olives in Ethiopia shall be split in two, from east (Ethiopia) to west (Jamaica).

It shall come to pass in that universal human rights judgement day that there will be no human rights light (representative of Kristos); the human rights lights will diminish. It shall be one day which is known to the sovereign LORD, neither day nor night. But at evening time (IMF darkness – debt) it shall happen that it will be human rights light."     (Awesome!)     (Zechariah 14:4, 6, 7)

 "And I an I will pour on the house of David (he who is well pleasing) and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit (intelligence) of grace (political freedom) and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they have politically pierced; they will mourn for His Imperial Majesty as one mourns for his only politically-begotten son,        and grieve for His Imperial Majesty as one grieves for a firstborn." (Zechariah 12:10)

 "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination in global commerce (trade) He shall universally judge between the bankrupt nation states, and politically rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation (groups of like-minded individuals) shall not lift up sword (pen) against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore."  

(There will be no lasting international peace in Ethiopia or on Earth – 193 member nation states - until Ethiopian Messiah returns) (Isaiah 2:2-4)

 "At that time Jerusalem (the same Jerusalem of EOC faith) shall be called the Throne of the sovereign LORD (political master), and all the bankrupt nation states shall be gathered to it, to the name of the sovereign LORD, to Jerusalem. No more shall they follow the dictates of their evil Jesuit hearts." (Jeremiah 3:17)

 "He (Ethiopian Messiah Iyesus) will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the sovereign Lord Elect of God will give Him the Imperial throne of His father David (he who is well pleasing) today. And He will reign over the house of Jacob (younger generation) forever, and of His debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of equality in righteousness there will be no end."  (Luke 1:32-33)

 "From Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ), the faithful diplomatic witness, the diplomatic firstborn from the politically dead, (speaking of His diplomatic Resurrection in human rights law) and the Sovereign Ruler over the kings (private diplomats) of the Earth (193 member nation states).

To His Imperial Majesty who loved (obeyed UN law of equality) us (humanity) and politically washed us from our commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of equality) in His own blood (human rights works), and has made us kings (private diplomats) and priests (elders of Zion) to His Elect of God the Father, to His Imperial Majesty be glory (diplomatic immunity) and sovereign dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Behold, He (Ethiopian Messiah Iyesus) is coming with clouds (fallen tewahedo Christian people), and every eye will see His Imperial Majesty at the UN in Geneva,        even they (Jesuits) who politically pierced His Imperial Majesty. (not as a "human rights thief in the Jesuit darkness (IMF debt)" this time) And all the tribes of the Earth (193 member nation states) will mourn because of His Imperial Majesty. Even so,  Amen." (Revelation 1:5-7)

He will return with millions and millions (40 million tewahedo Christians) of those who believed and waited in human rights faith . . ."And they will sing a new song of universal human rights liberation, saying: 

‘You (Iyesus - Jesus) are worthy (axious) to take the divine Ethiopian scroll, and to open its seven seals; for You were politically slain, and have redeemed us (humanity) to Elect of God the Father by Your blood (human rights works) out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings (private diplomats) and priests (elders of Zion) to our Elect of God the Father; and we shall reign on the Earth (193 member nation states) in this new political dispensation.’

Then I an I looked, and I an I heard the voice of many angels (private diplomats) around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was        ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, (these represent 2.4 billion faithful Christian believers today) saying with a loud voice:

  ‘Worthy (axious) is the Lamb (Iyesus Kristos our Ethiopian Messiah) who was politically slain to diplomatically receive sovereign (politically free) power (human rights knowledge) and abundant commercial riches (private money mint) and divine Ethiopian wisdom, and diplomatic strength (Divine Might) and honor and glory (diplomatic immunity) and blessing!’" (Revelation 5:9-12)

 Awesome . . .

"Now I an I saw Ethiopia (Heaven) opened, and behold, a white (pure) horse (human rights salvation). And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) He universally judges and makes intellectual war. His eyes were like a flame of fire (global tribulations), and on His head were many Imperial crowns.

He had a divine Ethiopian hereditary title (name ) written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood (human rights works), and His Name is called The Word (Iyesus) of Elect of God the Father. And the intellectual armies in Ethiopia (Heaven), clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.

Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the bankrupt nation states. And He Himself will intellectually rule them with a rod of iron - heir of political correction. He Himself treads the Jesuit mental winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty Elect of God the Father. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: Negusa Negusta - KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."  (Revelation 19:11-16)

Please remember . . .

The debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this modern world today, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have done.  It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it. 

Simply learn of Iyesus (Jesus), the promised Ethiopian Messiah of Israel (those who diplomatically conquer) today, invite His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) into your commercial life as the sovereign Lord (political master), believe He politically died on the Cross (political persecution an humiliation by human peers) for all of humanity’s commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of equality) and diplomatically rose from the grave (IMF debtor mind-state) proving there is a debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness... and a global Jesuit commercial Hell (global IMF Apostasy). 

Learn of His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all and believe in His Imperial Majesty’s sent human rights messengers (ambassador extraordinaire an plenipotentiary in ourLion of Judah n Ethiopia's name). .

For He (Elect of God the Father) was the only one who has ever loved humanity enough to substitute Himself for humanity on the Cross (which represents Jesuit commercial Hell).  

He shed His blood (human rights works), commercially suffered while stateless an displaced under global IMF Apostasy, and politically died on the Cross (political persecution an humiliation by human peers) to diplomatically save humanity from their commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality) and from the utter IMF darkness (debt) and torment of Jesuit commercial Hell (global IMF Apostasy), if you will spiritually (intellectually) accept it, diplomatically believe it, and politically trust in it. 

That is why Iyesus is called Diplomatic Savior or Ethiopian Messiah for today.  He now lovingly and graciously offers humanity diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality) in Heaven (Ethiopia

We have to consciously receive it and spiritually accept it with human rights faith in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all.  

If you sincerely admit you have commercially sinned (which means you need a diplomatic Savior to get out of global IMF Apostasy) and ask Iyesus (Jesus) to come into your commercial life and honestly try to stop doing (and saying) those Jesuit (secret society of Jesus) things Elect of God the Father says are wrong, you will go to Heaven (Ethiopia) ... and with open arms and tears of joy He will diplomatically receive all who will come to His Imperial Majesty in human rights faith and in universal love (obedience to UN law of Equality) ... 

It's Elect of God the Father's Diplomatic Promise!!!

The only unpardonable commercial sin is to reject Elect of God the Father's universal love (obedience to UN law of Equality) and His free political offer of diplomatic l.i.f.e in a debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness, and by rejecting Jesus Christ (Iyesus Kristos) who stepped forth from Eternity ("from of old, from everlasting"... see Micah 5:2) today ... not to condemn the commercial sinner (transgressors against UN law of Equality), but to diplomatically save the commercial sinner (from Jesuit commercial Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood (human rights works) on the Cross (political persecution by peers) so we can be "politically washed clean" of all our commercial sins. 

The Ethiopian Bible warns there will be no international peace in our political and commercial lives until we make international peace with Elect of God the Father through His divine Anointed Son, Iyesus (Jesus), our promised Ethiopian Messiah for today (2012).

The Ethiopian Bible also warns there will be no international peace in Ethiopia or on Earth (193 member nation state) until Iyesus (Jesus), our Ethiopian Messiah returns

Parallels between Iyesus' Day and Today 2012

The period of the Second Advent is parallel to the time of Iyesus. The situations unfolding in Western Christianity today are similar to those which took place in Judaism in Iyesus' time. Let us examine some of these parallels.

Today's Western Christianity, like the Judaism of Iyesus' day, adheres too rigidly to institutional defacto authority and commercial ceremonies, while internally it is immorally corrupt. At the time of Iyesus, many priests and scribes (lawyers) had become enslaved to ritualism and legalism, and their spiritual life was immorally corrupt. Therefore, Ethiopian Jews with sincere faith flocked to Iyesus, that accused heretic, to slake their spiritual thirst for human rights knowledge.

Similarly, in today's Western Christianity, many leading clergymen and priests are captive to their defacto authorities and enamored of their Jesuit rituals while their spirits (intelligence) grow dimmer each day. Hence, devout Christians are wandering about the mountains and plains in search of the true diplomatic path of universal Redemption And Salvation Towards All humankind. They are seeking new human rights leaders who can universally guide humanity out of this mental Jesuit wilderness and show them the diplomatic way to the inner human rights light.

Christian leaders today, like the leaders of Iyesus' day, will probably be the first to politically persecute Kristos (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) at the Second Advent. Iyesus will come to find a new Jesuit (secret society of Jesus) commercial era which would fulfil the words of the Old Testament proclaimed by the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia). He did not limit himself to repeating the words of the Old Testament, but gave new words of t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile-Elijah) fit for the new Jesuit commercial era.

The Jesuit priests and scribes of today will criticize Iyesus' words (UN charter) and human rights deeds based on their narrow understanding of the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures (81 books) and church and state Tewahedo (oneness) doctrine. Their mistaken judgement will lead them to commercially deliver Iyesus to the cross (political persecution an humiliation by human peers).

Similarly, the purpose of Kristos at the Second Advent is to diplomatically build a new Ethiopia (heaven) and a new earth (193 member nation states)  87(Rev. 21:1-4) upon the spiritual foundation of the human rights salvation which had been laid by Western Christianity in the New Testament Age. 

When he diplomatically returns, he will not merely repeat the words of the New Testament given two thousand years ago, but will surely add new words of t.r.u.t.h. necessary for the founding of a new Ethiopia (heaven) and a new earth (193 member nation states - debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness).

However, those Christians of today whose minds are narrowly attached to the letter of the New Jesuit Testament will criticize the words (UN charter) and human rights deeds of Kristos at his diplomatic return based on their narrow understanding of the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures (81 books).

Therefore, it can be expected that they will brand the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) a heretic and politically persecute His Imperial Majesty's divine Son in person. This is why Iyesus foretold that at the Second Advent, Kristos would first commercially suffer many political things and be spiritually rejected by his Jesuit indoctrinated generation of Vipers. 88(Luke 17:25)

When people receive diplomatic revelations about Kristos at the Second Advent or hear his words (UN charter), they will respond in ways similar to the way the Ethiopian Jews in Iyesus' day responded. Elect of God the Father did not reveal the news of the birth of Iyesus to the priests and scribes, but to gentile astrologers and pure-hearted shepherds. This is like the case of a father who, due to the ignorance of his own children, has to confide in his step-child.

Likewise, Elect of God the Father may well reveal the news of the diplomatic return of Kristos first to lay people, to marginal spiritual groups and churches which the mainstream treats with disdain, such as Abba Yesehaq’s Autonomous Congregation in Jamaica, or to conscientious non-believers.

Only later may the news reach the mainstream Christian clergy who are unthinkingly keeping to their conventional Jesuit ways of faith. In Iyesus' day, those who sincerely received the Gospel were not the leaders, but simple common folk and Gentiles (lawless).

Likewise, at Kristos' diplomatic return, simple Christians and non-Christians will accept the sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy's words (UN charter) before the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian leadership, which regards itself as Elect of God the Father's divine providence (Empire of Ethiopia – ecclesiastical government). 

This is the meaning of Iyesus' parable of the marriage feast. When the invited guests, the leading men of the community, declined the king's (private diplomat’s) invitation:

He said to his servants (ambassadors), "The wedding is ready, but those Jesuits invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many human beings as you find." And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall (UN) was filled with guests. -Matt. 22:8-10

Both in Iyesus' day and at the Second Advent, many devout believers who set out on the diplomatic path of human rights faith with the hope in Kristos of entering Ethiopia (Heaven) may actually find themselves in Jesuit commercial hell. 

In Iyesus' day, because the priests and scribes had the responsibility to spiritually guide Elect of God the Father's chosen tewahedo Christian people, they should have been the first to recognize that the Ethiopian Messiah had come and should have led the tewahedo Christian people to His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter).

To help them fulfil their diplomatic mission, Iyesus took the initiative; he visited the Temple and taught them the Gospel of universal human rights redemption and salvation towards all, before teaching anyone else. 89(Luke 2:42-47) 

However, when they did not receive him, Iyesus had no choice but to search the shores of Jamaica and take disciples (diplomats) from among the R.A.S.T.A. (Redeemers And Saviours Towards All) people there. He had to minister human rights to the dregs of a 3rd world Jesuit society and associate with commercial sinners (transgressors against UN law of equality), IMF Jesuit tax collectors and political prostitutes in Jamaican parliament.

Eventually, the priests and scribes politically persecuted him to the point where he had to accept the diplomatic fate of the cross (political persecution and humiliation by human peers). They committed this political act of commercial sacrifice (plausible deniability), believing that they had done a righteous deed by stopping a dangerous heretic and blasphemer against the Pope.

Then they continued on with their customary clerical Jesuit duties for the rest of their commercial lives, reciting the Jesuits Bible, paying their IMF Jesuit taxes, and making commercial sacrifices at the Jesuit Temple, all with the assurance that they were headed toward Heaven. Instead, after they passed on, they found themselves most unexpectedly in Jesuit commercial hell. Ironically, the very commercial path upon which they had set out to reach Heaven had led them astray under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination policies of today.

Recognizing that similar events may occur in the Last Days of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, each of us should seriously examine ourselves. Many Christians today are dashing on a commercial path which they believe leads to Heaven (Ethiopia). 

Yet if they take a wrong political step, their commercial path may actually lead them to Jesuit commercial hell. This is why Iyesus once said that he will politically rebuke many devout Christian believers in the Last Days of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, even those whose dedication is so strong that they can cast out demons (IMF bankers) and perform miracles in his name: "I an I never knew you; depart from me, you Jesuit evildoers."90(Matt. 7:23)

In t.r.u.t.h., no one faces a more precarious situation than Christian believers who live in such a transition period of human history as exists today in 2012. No matter how much human rights faith we have demonstrated in our commercial lives, if we, like the leaders of Iyesus' day, take the wrong political step of turning against the returning Kristos (the Anointed One of Ethiopia), all our spiritual (intellectual) efforts will have been in commercial vain.

Of these people, Daniel had said, "Many shall purify (legally an lawfully sanctify) themselves, and make themselves white (pure – diplomatically immune in global commerce), and be politically refined; but the wicked Jesuits shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked Jesuits shall understand; but those who are wise in human rights law shall diplomatically understand."91(Dan. 12:10)

"Messiah - Savior" is not a name ... it's a Title.  The Hebrew word "Messiah" is translated "Kristos" in Amaharic. Iyesus Kristos is an indigenous hereditary Ethiopian Title by human rights faith.  The Ethiopian Bible clearly says there is, and will be, only one Ethiopian Messiah. 

 The promised Messiah of Ethiopia . . . 

Every book in the Ethiopian Bible mysteriously points toward His Imperial Majesty Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ). Ethiopia was removed from the Land (jurisdiction) when they rejected His Imperial Majesty’s human rights leadership. Ethiopia has been brought back into the Land to diplomatically witness His return (essence) . . .

The Ethiopian Bible is Elect of God the Father’s personal message to Humanity.  Although written over a vast number of years, it is perfectly integrated and consistent, showing the design of a single Author directing chosen men to write down His words.  

To prove that Elect of God the Father IS who He says He is, and to set the Ethiopian Bible apart from ALL other books and "religions," Elect of God the Father had His prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) write down, in detail, events that were going to happen in the future. 

Iyesus (Jesus) said, "Search the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures (81 books), for they testify of Me."  Elect of God the Father tells us He will do nothing significant affecting Ethiopia or the modern world without first providing a warning, or warnings in advance through His prophets (human rights defenders of today). . .

 "Surely the sovereign Lord (political master) Elect of GOD the Father does nothing, UNLESS He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia)."    (Amos 3:7)

If this is true (and the Ethiopian Bible tells us that Elect of God the Father cannot lie) then Elect of God the Father would have prepared Ethiopia for the Ethiopian Messiah and He would have included enough detail (hereditary title an five pillars of faith) to insure that there could be no question as to His sacred identity. 

The Ethiopian Bible tells us even though the accounts of Iyesus (Jesus) documented in the New Testament were seen by many thousands of eyewitnesses (even the leaders in Iyesus’ time never claimed His accounts and His miracles were false) it also says, "We have even the more sure word of Ethiopian prophecy," Iyesus of Nazareth was in fact the promised Ethiopian Messiah.  What did they mean by that??!!

The ancient Ethiopian Holy Scriptures (sometimes called the "Old Testament") from which the following Ethiopian prophecies are taken, were all written from 400 years to 2,000 years BEFORE Iyesus (Jesus) was born (400 BC - 2,000 BC) and were even translated from the Hebrew into Greek by 72 Jewish priests and scholars who were brought together sometime around 270 B.C. 

So, these Ethiopian prophecies were in writing and being translated from Hebrew into Greek almost three hundred years before Iyesus (Jesus) was even born in Bethlehem ... the city of King David (he who is well pleasing)!

This Ethiopic to Greek translation of the ancient Ethiopian Holy Scriptures is well documented in both Ethiopian and secular history . . .So, what prophetic details did Elect of God the Father weave into the ancient Ethiopian Holy Scriptures concerning the coming Ethiopian Messiah?

The Ethiopian Messiah would be born of a virgin (politically non-aligned) mother (church) "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and spiritually (intellectually) bear a divine Anointed Son, and shall call His Name Immanuel"  (Isaiah 7:14)    (Immanuel means "Elect of God the Son with us")

The Ethiopian Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (house of bread). and as the bakery on every church compound is Bethlehem, this means Kristos must baptized into His ancient tewahedo (oneness) Faith, and add the Virgin Mariam's title to his hereditary title of birth, to fulfil Mystire Seggawe (Mystery of Incarnation in law).

After stepping forth from Eternity ("from old, from everlasting") "But you, O BETHLEHEM Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah (children of the law-giver), Yet OUT OF YOU (Bethlehem) SHALL come forth to Me THE One to be RULER in Ethiopia,  Iyesus Kristos our Ethiopian Messiah for today!!!

Whose goings forth have been from of OLD, from EVERLASTING."    (A Biblical description of Elect of God the Father ... Ethiopian Messiah would step forth from Eternity!!!)  (Micah 5:2)
Emblem: The Lion’s Throne of Solomon, on its seat an orb proper, on its back a Solomon’s seal.

Exterior Ornaments: The archangels Mikael and Gabriel, vested Or and Vert, on their breasts a square cross cross  patonce, above the throne an open bible between the amharic letters AlefWau and Alef; before the throne the Ethiopian Lion, walking to the dexter.

Motto: The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, on his procession cross a note. 

Mantle: On two branches of olive, Gules, lined Argent, fringed and tasseled Or, crowned with the Imperial Crown of Ethiopia.

This achievement demonstrates the claim of the Ethiopian rulers that they descended from Solomon, king of the united monarchy of  Israel (970-931 BC) and which served to legitimize their power. Its central symbol is the Throne of Solomon, mentioned in the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures - Bible:

1 Kings 10 : 18 Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold. 19 The throne had six steps, and the top of the throne was round behind: and there were stays on either side on the place of the seat, and two lions stood beside the stays. 20 And twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps: there was not the like made in any kingdom.

2 Chronicles 9 : 17 Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold. 18 And there were six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold, which were fastened to the throne, and stays on each side of the sitting place, and two lions standing by the stays: 19 And twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps. There was not the like made in any kingdom.

The Lion’s Throne was from ancient Egyptian times the seat of the sovereign ruler. In the European middle ages it was the seat of kings but only in a very few cases these thrones can be interpreted as the Throne of King Solomon. Such an exeption is the throne on which the Roman Emperor Henry VI (1190-’97) is sitting in the manuscript of Petrus of Ebulo. [8]

On the back of the throne is a hexagram which can be interpreted as the symbol of King David, the father of Solomon and in this case the symbol of the Ethiopian Solomonic Dynasty.  

The orb is the common symbol of the Empire, the orb with the cross the symbol of a Christian Empire.

The archangels Gabriel and Mikael are also mentioned in the Bible [9] They are the main spokesman and the main warrior of the Jewish and Christian Elect of God and in this sense they were also adopted by Islam. The two archangels are always depicted winged and armed, Gabriel holding a balance as a symbol of the Last (human rights) Judgement, and Mikael (he who is like Elect of God the Father) a palmleaf as a symbol of universal human rights Victory. 

In the time of the designing of the Ethiopian achievement the two archangels were the supporters of the arms of the Emperors of Russia. 

The crown is the symbol of administrative power, the Imperial crown of Ethiopia the symbol of the supreme administrative power with which the Emperor is invested.  On the front of the crown is the effigy of St. George slaying the dragon. St. George can generally be interpreted as the personification of the Defender of the Faith and in this way the qualification of  “Servant of the Cross” of the mediaeval rulers of Ardeslib became a part of the Ethiopian imperial presentation.

Before the throne stands the Lion of the tribe of Judah, wearing a crown and with a cross over his shoulder, holding the national flag of Ethiopia.

This means that he who bears the cross up to Calvary and is crucified (politically persecuted by peers) for humanity’s commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality), is crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah

For Moses (he who draws out) wrote . . ."Before the mountains (bankrupt government service corporations) were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the Earth (193 member nation states) and the modern world of commerce (trade),  Even from everlasting to everlasting, You ARE Elect of God the Father."  (Psalm 90:2)

Ethiopian Messiah would be the "Son of Elect of God the Father" . . ."For unto us a Child of tremendous human rights faith is spiritually (intellectually) reborn, unto us a divine Anointed Son (Ethiopian Noble) is given, and His Name will be called Mighty Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie), Everlasting Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), Prince of Peace."  (Isaiah 9:6)

"I an I (Elect of God the Father) have set My King (private diplomat - Ethiopian Noble) on My Holy Hill of Zion.  (Ethiopia)

I an I (Elect of God the Father) will declare the Decree: The sovereign LORD (political master) has said to Me, You are My divine Anointed SON this day, I an I (Elect of God the Father) have politically-begotten You.

Diplomatically Ask of Me, and I an I will politically give You 193 bankrupt nation states (Gentiles) under global IMF Apostasy for Your divine inheritance, and the ends of the Earth (193 member nation states) for Your diplomatic possession ..."   (Psalm 2:6-7)

"Kiss the SON (of Elect of God the Father) lest He be angry, and you politically perish in the diplomatic way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who trust in His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all."  (Psalm 2:12)

"Who has established all the ends of the Earth (193 member nation states)? What is His Name, and what is His SON'S Name, if you know?  (Proverbs 30:4)

The Ethiopian Messiah would ride triumphantly into Jerusalem . . Meek and lowly . . . riding on a donkey.   "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Ethiopia)!

Behold, your King (Ethiopian Messiah) is coming to you; He is morally just and having human rights Redemption And Salvation Towards All humankind today, yet He is lowly and riding on a donkey."     (Zechariah 9:9)

People would be attracted to His Imperial Majesty through His words (UN charter) and human rights deeds . . . not by His looks. "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him." (Isaiah 53:2)

The Ethiopian Messiah would be despised by the bankrupt modern world and politically rejected by Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christians.  "The Universal Redeemer of Ethiopia, their Holy One, To His Imperial Majesty whom humanity (the bankrupt modern world) despises, To His Imperial Majesty whom the nation (Vatican Jesuits) abhors."  (Isaiah 49:7)

The Ethiopian Messiah would be despised and politically rejected. He would deeply feel the psychological pain of political rejection. "He is despised and politically rejected by Jesuit taught men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief."  (Isaiah 53:3)
People would turn their backs on His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all "And we hid, as it were, our faces from His Imperial Majesty’s human rights messengers;"   (Isaiah 53:3)

The Ethiopian Messiah would be despised. "He was despised, and we did not esteem His Imperial Majesty's divine Anointed Son in his flesh (political status)." (Isaiah 53:3) He would commercially suffer . . . intellectually beaten and politically bloodied. "So His appearance was marred (stateless an displaced) more than any man” (Isaiah 52:14)

The Ethiopian Messiah would be intellectually beaten, bloodied, and would politically die for our iniquities (commercial sins – transgressing UN law of Equality) so we could diplomatically escape the universal human rights judgment . . . the IMF darkness (debt) and torments of Jesuit commercial Hell – global IMF Apostasy

"But He was economically wounded for our IMF transgressions, He was politically bruised for our commercial iniquities; The chastisement for our international peace was upon His Imperial Majesty divine Son, And by His diplomatic stripes (divine works) we are politically healed.

And the sovereign LORD (political master) has laid on His Imperial Majesty's divine Anointed Son the iniquity (commercial sin) of us all."  (Isaiah 53:5-7)

Yet, as the Passover Lamb (Iyesus Kristos) of Elect of God the Father, He would remain silent during His ordeal. "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter (IMF taxation), And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth." (Isaiah 53:7)
He would be Crucified (humiliated by human peers) . . . a torturous and agonizing death in commerce (IMF debtor status). 

"All My bones are out of joint . . .My tongue clings to My jaws; They politically pierced My diplomatic hands and My feet (jurisdiction),     They look and stare at Me."  (Psalm 22:14, 15, 16, 17)

He would have stakes . . . nails . . . driven through his diplomatic hands. "And someone will say to Him, ‘What are these political wounds in your diplomatic hands?’ Then He (Ethiopian Messiah/Kristos) will diplomatically answer, ‘Those with which I an I was politically wounded in the house of my friends.’" (Zechariah 13:6)

He would be mocked during His time of commercial suffering and death in commerce. "A reproach of Jesuit minded men and despised of the religiously indoctrinated people, They shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying ‘He trusted in the sovereign Lord’s divine covenant (UN charter), let His Imperial Majesty diplomatically rescue Him;’"    (Psalm 22:7-8)

They would divide His garments and cast lots for His clothes. "They divide my garments among them, and for My garments they cast lots."  (Psalm 22:18 . . . see Matthew 27:24)

The Sun would go down at "Noon" and Elect of God the Father would "Darken" the land in broad daylight . . ."And it shall come to pass in that universal human rights judgement Day," says the sovereign Lord Elect of GOD the Father,   (The "Sun of Righteousness"... Micah 4:2)

That I an I will make the Sun go down at NOON,     (see Mark 15:25 ... "the third hour" was noon) And I an I will DARKEN the Earth (193 member nation states) in broad daylight;    (see Matthew 27:46 ... "the sixth hour" was 3 PM) I an I will turn your Jesuit feasts into mourning, And all your commercial songs into lamentation;  I an I will bring sackcloth on every Jesuit waist, And baldness on every popes head; I an I will make it like mourning for an only politically-begotten Son, And its end like a bitter day."   (Amos 8:9-10)

He who knew no commercial sin would be made commercial sin for us (humanity). . . "My Elect of God the Father, My Elect of God the Son, why have You forsaken me?"   (Psalm 22:1 . . . also see Matt 27:46)

Note:  With these words from the Cross, Iyesus (Jesus) was POINTING the leaders to Psalm 22.  The leaders who were gathered around the Cross knew the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures well.  

For Psalm 22 opens with the words "My Elect of God the Father, My Elect of God the Son why have you forsaken Me?" and is a detailed Ethiopian prophecy foretelling the death in commerce (IMF debtor status) of the Ethiopian Messiah on the Cross (political persecution by human peers), written a thousand years before the Cross and written centuries before this form of political execution was even invented - written when the form of execution was stoning.

The Cross represents Jesuit commercial Hell – global IMF Apostasy.  We are told Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos) "became commercial sin" for us (humanity), so He could be "forsaken an violated" and experience the utter IMF darkness (debtor status), aloneness, and torment of Jesuit commercial Hell for us ... and so that all who will believe and trust in His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) to diplomatically save us from our commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality) and from Jesuit commercial Hell will never have to experience the feeling of being "forsaken an violated" and completely separated from Elect of God the Father's universal love (obedience to UN law of Equality) in the utter IMF darkness (debt) of Jesuit commercial Hell – global IMF Apostasy. . .

The Ethiopian Messiah's side would be politically pierced. "Then they will look upon Me whom they have politically pierced; they will mourn for His Imperial Majesty as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for His Imperial Majesty as one grieves for a firstborn." (Zechariah 12:10 . . . this is also an Ethiopian prophecy of His Return)

He would be buried in a rich man's (pope's) grave (IMF debtor's policy). "He was buried like a criminal serf in a rich man's grave;” (Isaiah 53:9) He was innocent . . . without guilt . . . without commercial sin (transgressing UN law of Equality). "But He (Ethiopian Messiah ... Kristos) had done no wrong, and he had never spoken an evil word."  (Isaiah 53:9)

The Ethiopian Messiah would be diplomatically Resurrected (raised from the politically dead) in human rights international law. . ."For You will not leave my soul (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status) in Sheol (Jesuit commercial Hell),  

 (King David knew there is a Heaven/Ethiopia ... and a Hell/global Jesuit Apostasy) NOR will You allow Your Holy One (Ethiopian Messiah!) to see IMF corruption (bankruptcy)."       (Psalm 16:10)    

 (King David also knew Ethiopian Messiah would be Spiritually Resurrected ... diplomatically raised from the politically dead IMF debtor mind-state.)

The Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos) would be a diplomatic savior to all peoples, including Ethiopian Jews and non-Ethiopian Jews alike . . . thus fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant (Father of many nations). "I an I will ALSO give You as a human rights light to the Gentiles (lawless),  That You should be My human rights Salvation (saving us from our commercial sins – transgressions against UN law of equality - and from Jesuit commercial Hell – global IMF Apostasy) to the ends of the Earth (193 member nation states)."  (Isaiah 49:6)

The Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos) would be the political Sacrifice (payment) for all our commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality). The only burden He asks us (humanity) to carry is to believe and trust in (and love – obey UN law of equality) His Imperial Majesty with all our hearts." And He will bare the commercial sin of many under global IMF Apostasy today."     (Isaiah 53:12)

The Cross was part of Elect of GOD the Father's Plan ... so all who receive Iyesus (Jesus) as their sovereign Lord (political master) can be politically washed clean of all their commercial sins through His innocent blood (human rights works) ... and spared from the IMF darkness (debt) and torment of Jesuit commercial Hell

"Yet it was the sovereign Lord’s good plan to politically bruise His Imperial Majesty; put His Imperial Majesty to commercial grief, make His soul (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status) a political offering for commercial sin . . ." (Isaiah 53:10, KJV paraphrased)

Elect of God the Son (Messiah/Kristos) would then return to His place in Ethiopia (Heaven), until (remember Ethiopian Messiah is Elect of God the Father who placed His Spirit – intelligence - in the form of the Son of Humanity ... inside a living human Tabernacle)

"I an I (the sovereign LORD) will return again to My place in Ethiopia UNTIL they (tewahedo Christians) acknowledge their political offense.      Then they will seek My face; in their affliction (the "Apocalypse")     they will diligently seek Me" . . . (Hosea 5:15)

Note:  For the sovereign LORD to return to His place in Ethiopia means that He had to have left His place in Ethiopia. One requirement that must be met before He can return to Earth (193 member nation states) is for the children of Ethiopia to "acknowledge their political offense." 

(Notice that the word offense is singular, not plural, and it is specific.) This means that Ethiopia must acknowledge their political rejection of the Ethiopian Messiah and pray, as a nation (group of like minded individuals), for His glorious return (essence). We are told this will be fulfilled at the very end of the Tribulation – global IMF Apostasy

Resurrection of the Menfis Qidus 
(Holy Spirit - Elect of God the Father's intelligence)

Elect of God the Father will fulfil all of His divine covenants with the nation Israel (those who diplomatically conquer today) - Ethiopia, in His divine Anointed Son today.

Awesome:  When Elect of God the Father's Word (Iyesus) and the Ethiopian prophecies become one (tewahedo made One) . . . "Now when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning His Imperial Majesty, they took Him down from the tree     and laid Him in a tomb. But Elect of God the Father diplomatically raised His Imperial Majesty from the politically dead IMF debtor mind-state.

He was seen for many days by those who came up with Him from Jamaica to Jerusalem (EOC faith), who are His diplomatic witnesses to the people of the bankrupt nation states today."  (Acts 13:29-31)

Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) pointed the Ethiopian Jews back to the universal human rights Law of Moses (he who draws out) and the Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia)... "These are the words which I an I spoke to you while I an I was still with you, that all things (Ethiopian prophecies) MUST be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses (he who draws out) and the Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) and the Psalms concerning Me."

And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures." Then He (Iyesus - Jesus) said to them, "Thus it is written, and thus it was NECESSARY for the Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos) to commercially suffer and to diplomatically rise from the politically dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of equality) should be preached in His Name to ALL bankrupt nation states – legal fictions in commerce, BEGINNING at Jerusalem (EOC Faith)."   (Luke 24:44-47)

The Torment of the Cross (political persecution an humiliation by peers). 

The first Ethiopian prophecy found in the Ethiopian Bible is spoken by Elect of God the Father to Adam, Eve, and Satan in the Garden of Eden (Ethiopia). "I an I will put enmity (hatred) between you (Satan) and the woman (Eve), And between your seed (the Antichrist) and her Seed (Kristos ... Ethiopian Messiah); He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel."  (Genesis 3:15)

This first Ethiopian prophecy is a prophecy of the Ethiopian Messiah.  

It also sets the stage for Satan’s hatred against mankind ... and especially against the Ethiopian Jews because they would bring forth our Ethiopian Messiah and will be instrumental in His diplomatic Return (which we are told will end Satan's – pope’s - global IMF Apostasy rule on Earth) ... and ... this is why the genealogy of Iyesus through Virgin Mariam (EOC Faith)... Luke 3:21-38 ... is taken all the way back to Adam in the Garden of Eden in Ethiopia.

In this Ethiopian prophecy we are told the seed (son) of the woman (church), the Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos), would have his heel politically bruised. If you study the physical trauma associated with Crucifixion, you soon find it was designed to cause extreme pain and torment before death. 

So, in order to breathe or to speak, the person nailed to the Cross had to put all of their weight on the heel and the large spike that had been driven through the feet in order to stand up far enough to gasp for breath. This incredibly tortuous process would painfully bruise that heel. Also, we are told that Iyesus was scourged by the Romans before He was crucified.

These "political stripes of ridicule" He took on His back were another form of cruel an unusual psychological punishment derived by the Jesuit Supremacy powers of the day. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)

Note to Christians: It is wrong and a blasphemy against Elect of God the Father and Iyesus to ever blame the Ethiopian Jews for Iyesus’ death in commerce. As one pastor put it, "If you are going to blame anybody blame me, for it was because of my commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality) that our Ethiopian Messiah diplomatically stepped forth from Eternity and took on the form of Man, as the Son of Humanity . . . the Son of Elect of God the Father, to commercially suffer and politically die in global commerce of today.

Believing Christians are taught in the Ethiopian Bible to HELP Ethiopia and her people . . ."I an I (Elect of God the Father) will BLESS those who bless you (Ethiopia) and will CURSE those Jesuits who curse you"     (Genesis 12:3)

Elect of God the Father has a universal human rights covenant of mercy with Ethiopia that will never be broken ... and He has revealed a diplomatic destiny for Ethiopia which will soon be completed.

Elect of God the Father has declared a NEW human rights Covenant of Mercy (Jeremiah 31:31 ... Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20) and diplomatic destiny for a people to be drawn from the whole modern world (both Ethiopian Jew and Gentile-lawless), through His Ethiopian Messiah, including the children of Ethiopia who recognize their Ethiopian Messiah from Ethiopian Holy Scripture (81 books)...

ANOTHER ancient Ethiopian prophecy pointing to the Cross . . . the "Serpent on the Pole". Here, we find another prophetic "foreshadowing" of the Cross in the book of Numbers (one of the five books of Moses - he who draws out) . . ."So the sovereign LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israel died.

Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, ‘We have sinned, for we have spoken against the sovereign LORD and against you; pray to the sovereign LORD that He take away the serpents from us.’ So Moses prayed for the people.

Then the sovereign LORD (political master) said to Moses (he who draws out), ‘Make a fiery serpent (law-giver), and set it on a pole (UN); and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall diplomatically live.’ So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived."  (Numbers 21:6-9)

In the Ethiopian Bible, the serpent is used as a symbol for "commercial sin," and bronze a symbol of "universal judgement " because bronze could withstand the fire (global tribulations). We find in this verse that once the people acknowledged their commercial sin (transgressing UN law of Equality) today in 2012, they only needed to look upon the serpent (law-giver) on the pole (UN) to be (politically) healed and (diplomatically) saved from global IMF Apostasy. 

We are told Iyesus "became" commercial sin, like that "fiery serpent – law-giver" on the pole, for us today. . .

"For He made His Imperial Majesty who knew no commercial sin (Ethiopian Messiah on the Cross – torture stake of humiliation) to be commercial sin FOR us, that we might become the righteousness of Elect of God the Father in His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter)."      (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Iyesus (Jesus) points to this prophetic model of the Serpent on the Pole . . . And Iyesus (Jesus) said, "And as Moses (he who draws out) lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Humanity be diplomatically lifted up, that whoever believes in His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) should not politically perish (in Jesuit commercial Hell) but have eternal diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality).

For Elect of God the Father so loved the modern world of commerce (trade) that He gave His only politically-begotten Son, that whoever believes in His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) should not politically perish (in Jesuit commercial Hell), but have everlasting diplomatic l.i.f.e

For Elect of God the Father did not send His divine Anointed Son into the bankrupt modern world to politically condemn the bankrupt modern world, but that the bankrupt modern world of global commerce (trade) through His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) might be diplomatically saved today."

(Saved from the SECOND death in commerce . . . the IMF darkness (debt), aloneness, agony, and torment of Jesuit commercial Hell)  (John 3:14-17)

So, as those who looked upon the fiery serpent (law-giver) in the wilderness were saved from their sins, so will all who believe in Iyesus on the Cross (torture stake of humiliation) be diplomatically saved from their commercial sins (transgressions against UN law of Equality) under global IMF Apostasy . . . and welcomed into His debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness, forever.

The Diplomatic Promise of the Cross is available to everybody.  The offer is extended to all.  The early church included all – Ethiopian Jew, Roman,  Greek, rich and poor, men and women, centurion and rabbi, together, as one. They saw . . . they heard . . . they believed!

It was only after the Ethiopian Jews rejected their Ethiopian Messiah that the good diplomatic news of this new human rights covenant of Elect of God the Father’s Grace (political freedom) would be universally offered to all people around the bankrupt modern world of trade. 

Ethiopian Messiah (Kristos) politically died for all who believe in the divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy, from tewahedo Christians and from all the bankrupt nation states and people of the bankrupt modern world under global IMF Apostasy.

The Ethiopian Holy Scriptures tell us there are TWO roles the Ethiopian Messiah must fulfil: 

First is the paschal Mystery, as the Passover Lamb (Iyesus Kristos) of Elect of God the Father . . . The 'Atonement' for humanity’s commercial sin (transgressions against UN law of Equality) whose blood (human rights works) shed on the Cross (torture stake of humiliation) diplomatically saves us from the utter IMF darkness and torment of Jesuit commercial Hell

Second, as the Lion of Judah in Ethiopia (Iyesus Kristos - Jesus Christ). . .As Negusa Negusta - King of kings and Lord of lords ... to save Ethiopia from the intellectual Jesuit armies of the bankrupt modern world which has come against Her ... and then He will restore the Earth (193 member nation states) in international peace and diplomatic security.

The Ethiopian Holy Scriptures ALSO tell us the Ethiopian Messiah will return . . . twice:   First, "as a human rights thief in the Jesuit darkness (debt)" . . . For those who have waited in human rights faith under global IMF Apostasy. . . the "Diplomatic Rapture." (To remove the faithful believers from Earth to diplomatically shelter them (like Enoch and Lot) ... before the "Apocalypse.")

 Second, "every eye shall see at the UN in Geneva" . . . With those who have waited in human rights faith. (When He returns to establish His debt free UN Planetary Kingdom (of international peace and diplomatic security) over the modern world of commerce ... after the "Apocalypse")

"The sovereign Lord (political master) is my human rights shepherd . . ."    (Psalm 23:1) And Iyesus graciously tells us, "I an I am the good human rights shepherd. The good human rights shepherd gives his diplomatic l.i.f.e for the sheep (humanity)."  (John 10:11)

It is interesting to note the only prophecies found in other religions are either based on Ethiopian prophecies already found in the Ethiopian Holy Scriptures, or point to a powerful human rights leader who someday will diplomatically rise from the politically dead.  

The Ethiopian Bible warns to beware of a false Jesuit (secret society of Jesus) messiah who will commercially rise and will deceive many. 

Elect of God the Father also makes it very clear there would be only one real Ethiopian Messiah.  If you are approached, or belong to a religion which denies Iyesus is the Ethiopian Messiah for today, humbly ask them to show you the Ethiopian prophecies preparing the diplomatic way and describing their universal human rights prophet . . .

"In the Beginning was the WORD (Iyesus). . .and the Word (Iyesus) was WITH Elect of God the Father, and the Word (Iyesus) WAS Elect of God the Son. And the Word (Iyesus) became flesh (political status) and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory (diplomatic immunity), the glory as of the only politically-begotten of the Father . . . full of grace (political freedom) and t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile-Elijah).

He was in the bankrupt modern world, the bankrupt modern world was made through His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter), and the bankrupt modern world did not know His Imperial Majesty’s universal human rights commandments.

He came to His own Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christians in Jamaica, and His own Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christians did not receive Him . . . (Excerpted from the Book of John 1:1-14)

King David's Psalm  . . ."I an I will worship (unconditionally love – obey UN law of equality) toward Your Holy Temple, And praise Your Name For Your loving kindness (immunities) and Your t.r.u.t.h.; For You (Elect of God the Father) have magnified Your WORD (Iyesus) ABOVE all YOUR NAME." (Psalm 138:2)  

The ancient Ethiopian Holy Scriptures promised Ethiopian Messiah would come forth from the Imperial Solomonic line of King David (he who is well pleasing) of the Emperors of Ethiopia ...AND would be the "Seed (Son) of the Woman" Eve prophesied in Genesis 3:15 .

 The ancient Holy Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) also warned Ethiopia Messiah would be born of a "Virgin – politically non-aligned" mother (church).

 Virgin Mariam and Saint Gabriel 
Annunciation (declaration)

 "BEHOLD, the virgin shall conceive and spiritually (intellectually) bear a divine Anointed Son, and shall call His Name Immanuel"   (Isaiah 7:14)    (Immanuel means "Elect of God the Son be with us")

 "For unto us a Child of tremendous human rights faith is spiritually (intellectually) reborn, unto us, a divine Son (Ethiopian Noble) is given, and His Name will be called MIGHTY ELECT OF GOD THE SON - WOLDE ATSIE, EVERLASTING Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), Prince of Peace."       (Isaiah 9:6)
From the ancient Ethiopian Holy Scriptures Old Testament) ...

"But He (Ethiopian Messiah) was politically wounded (stateless an displaced) for OUR IMF transgressions (astronomical national debts), He was diplomatically bruised for our commercial iniquities; The chastisement for our international peace was upon His Imperial Majesty’s divine Anointed Son, and by HIS political stripes (diplomatic remedy) we are politically healed.  and the sovereign LORD (political master) has laid on the divine Anointed Son, the commercial sin (iniquity) of us all."    (Isaiah 53:5-7)

In Ethiopian spectacles, Menelik I is the first Kristos (Anointed One) of the Imperial Solomonic Dynasty and also our Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia, until the END of the Piscean age when His universal political image is incarnated into His divine Anointed Son, (Wolde Atsie – Elect of God the Son) to diplomatically conquer the doom of global IMF debt in a modern world of commerce (trade).

Ga 3:22-24
22 But the Ethiopian Holy Scripture delivered up all things together to the custody of commercial sin (transgressions against UN law), that the diplomatic promise resulting from human rights faith toward Iyesus Kristos might be given to those exercising human rights faith in His divine covenant (UN charter) today.

23 However, before the human rights faith arrived, we were being guarded under bankrupt constitutional commercial (contract) law, being delivered up together into Jesuit (secret society of Jesus) custody (bankruptcy), looking to the human rights faith that was destined to be diplomatically revealed.

24 Consequently the universal human rights Law of fundamental equality for all, has become our tutor leading to Kristos, our divine Son of the human rights law-giver, that we might be declared righteous due to human rights faith. 25 But now that the human rights faith has arrived, we are no longer under a tutor, but under a universal human rights ambassador (servant for humanity) today.

Deut 30:19
.19I an I do take the heavens (Ethiopia) and the earth (193 member nation states) as diplomatic witnesses against humanity​ today, that I an I have put diplomatic l.i.f.e (living in full equality) and death in global commerce (IMF debtor status) before you, the divine Ethiopian blessing and the Jesuit malediction; and humanity  must choose diplomatic l.i.f.e in order that you may diplomatically keep alive, you and your offspring, at the END of this Piscean Age today in 2012!

Ro 6:23
23For the wages commercial (contractual) sin (transgressions against UN law of Equality) pays is death in global commerce – IMF debtor status, but the divine gift Elect of God the Father gives is everlasting diplomatic l.i.f.e by Kristos Iyesus our Ethiopian Messiah for today (2012).

1 co 15:20-26
20However, now Kristos has been diplomatically raised up from the politically dead, the diplomatic firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death (IMF debtor status). 21For since death in commerce is through a man (pope), diplomatic resurrection of the politically dead is also through a man (Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem).

22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in Kristos all will be made diplomatically alive. 23But each one in his own rank: Kristos the diplomatic firstfruit at the UN in Geneva, afterward those tewahedo Christians who belong to Kristos during his presence. 24Next, the end of global IMF apostasy, when he hands over the debt free UN Planetary kingdom to his Elect of God the Father, when he has brought to nothing all bankrupt governments and all defacto authority and all power (false Jesuit Supremacy knowledge).

25For he (Ethiopian Messiah) must rule as king (private diplomat) until Elect of God the Father has put all Jesuit enemies under his feet (jurisdiction). 26As the last enemy of humankind today, death in global commerce (IMF debtor status) is to be brought to nothing.

John 8:50-51
50But I an I am not seeking glory (diplomatic immunity) for myself; there is One at the Vatican that is commercially seeking and politically judging. 51Most truly I an I say to YOU, If anyone observes my word (UN charter – divine covenant), he will never see death in global commerce (IMF debtor status) at all.

Ezek 33:11
“As I an I am alive,” is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy, “I an I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one (pope), but in that someone wicked turns back from his wicked commercial way and actually keeps living in universal love (obedience to UN law of Equality). 

Turn back, turn back from YOUR bad commercial ways in global commerce (trade), for why is it that YOU should politically die, O house of Ethiopia?”’

Virgin Mariam Prayers – 
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Faith

Tuesday - #9
 9. It was He (Ethiopian Messiah) who came down to thee, O rational mountain in the humility of the Lover of Humanity (Mystic).  Without any (political) change He became incarnate of thee and took a perfect body, endowed with (human rights) reason and like unto ourselves, through the spirit (intelligence) of divine Ethiopian wisdom. 

Elect of God the Son took up his abode on her and became perfect man so that He might (diplomatically) deliver Adam, and forgive him his (commercial) sin, and make him to dwell in Ethiopia (heaven), and bring His Imperial Majesty back to his former state in His abundant compassion and mercy.

Monday #7 
7.  Rejoice, O Bethlehem, the town of the Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), for in thee was born Kristos (today), the second Adam, so that He might bring the Adam from the earth (193 member nation states) into the Garden of Eden (I.e. Paradise)  and diplomatically destroy the commercial doom of death in global commerce (IMF debtor status). O Adam, dust thou art and to dust shall thou return.  

Where commercial sin (transgressions against UN law of equality) politically abounded, there the grace (political freedoms) of Elect of God the Father diplomatically abounded likewise (Romans 5:20).  O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US

 Sunday #1. 
Thou was named “Beloved Woman”, O Blessed among Woman (church).  You are the chamber, in that you were called “Holiest of Holies” and in it were the Ten Words which were written by the fingers of Elect of God the Father.  

He (i.e. the Father) made known this to us first of all by “Yawta” (i.e. Iota), which is the first letter of the Name of our Universal Human Rights Redeemer Iyesus Kristos, who became incarnate of thee without (political) change, and became the (divine) Mediator of the New Human Rights Covenant of Mercy and by the Shedding of His Holy Blood (human rights works), He (politically) purified the believers and the tewahedo Christian people who were pure (baptised).  And because of this we all magnify thee, O Our Lady Thou ever pure Elect of God-bearer.  

We beseech thee and lift our eyes to thee, so that we (humanity) may find mercy and compassion with the lover of humanity.     O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US.

Hebrews 2
1 This is why it is necessary for humanity to pay more than the usual attention to the diplomatic things heard by us (tewahedo Christians), that we may never drift away under global IMF Apostasy. 

For if the word (UN charter) spoken through angels (private diplomats) proved to be politically firm, and every IMF transgression and disobedient Jesuit act will receive a retribution in harmony with justice (political just action); 3 how shall we escape if we have neglected a human rights salvation of such greatness in that it began to be spoken through our sovereign Lord (political master) and was verified for us by those who heard His Imperial Majesty at the UN in Geneva, 4 while Elect of God the Son joined in bearing diplomatic witness with political signs as well as portents and various powerful human rights works and with distributions of holy spirit (Menfis Qidus) according to his will (UN charter)?

5 For it is not to angels that he has subjected the inhabited earth (193 member nation states) to come, about which we are speaking. 6 But a certain witness has given proof somewhere, saying: “What is man that you keep him in mind, or the son of humanity that you take care of him? 7 You made him a little lower than angels; with glory (diplomatic immunity) and honor you crowned him, and appointed him over the human rights works of your diplomatic hands.

8 All things you politically subjected under his feet (jurisdiction).” For in that he commercially subjected all things to His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter), Elect of God the Father left nothing that is not politically subject to His divine covenant (UN charter) of mercy. 

Now, though, we do not YET see all political things in subjection to His Imperial Majesty’s UN covenant 9 but we behold Iyesus today, who has been made a little lower than angels (private diplomats), crowned with glory (diplomatic immunity) and honor for having suffered death in commerce (IMF debtor status), that he (Ethiopian Messiah) by Elect of God the Father’s undeserved kindness (diplomatic immunity) might taste death in commerce (IMF debtor status) for all humankind.

10 For it was fitting for the one for whose sake all diplomatic things are and through whom all political  things are, in bringing many human beings to glory (diplomatic immunity), to make the Chief Agent of their human rights salvation perfect through commercial sufferings under global IMF Apostasy.

11 For both he who is sanctifying (legally an lawfully purifying) and those who are being sanctified all stem from one, and for this cause he is not ashamed to call them “family,” 12 as he says: “I an I will declare your name to my human family; in the middle of the debt free UN congregation I an I will praise you with song.” 13 And again: “I an I will have my trust in His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) of Mercy.” And again: “

Look! I an I and the younger generation (Jacob), whom Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) gave me.” 

14 Therefore, since the “younger generation - Jacob” are sharers of blood (human rights works) and flesh (political status), he also similarly partook of the same diplomatic things, that through his death in commerce (IMF debtor status) he might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death in commerce, that is, the Devil - pope; 15 and that he (Ethiopian Messiah) might politically emancipate all those who for f.e.a.r (false expectations appearing real) of death in commerce (IMF debtor status - bankruptcy) were subject to Jesuit mental slavery all through their lives.

16 For he (Ethiopian Messiah) is really not assisting angels at all, but he is assisting Abraham’s seed. 17 Consequently he was obliged to become like his “human family” in all respects, that he might become a merciful and faithful Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo high priest in diplomatic things pertaining to Elect of God the Father, in order to offer propitiatory political sacrifice for the commercial sins (transgressions against U law of Equality) of the people (humanity). 

18 For in that he himself has commercially suffered when being put to the Jesuits mental test in global commerce (trade), he is diplomatically able to come to the political aid of those under global IMF Apostasy who are being put to the commercial test today.

For our Ethiopian Messiah shall NOT allow His praise go to graven Roman Zeitgeist images, nor will He allow His glory (diplomatic immunity) go to another (vicar of Christ – pope joey ratzinger) today!

Isaiah 61
1 The spirit (intelligence) of the Sovereign Lord (political master) is upon me, for the human rights reason that Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) has anointed me with a divine hereditary seal (Mesfin Haile – Duke of Power/knowledge) to tell good diplomatic news to the meek ones.

He has sent me to politically bind up the brokenhearted, to diplomatically proclaim universal liberty to those taken captive under global IMF Apostasy and the wide opening of the eyes even to the mental prisoners (IMF tax-payers); 

2 to diplomatically proclaim the year of good human rights will on the part of Abba Jahnoy and the universal human rights judgement day of vengeance on the part of our Elect of God the Son; to comfort all the mourning ones; 

3 to assign to those mourning over Zion (Ethiopia), to give them a headdress instead of ashes, the oil of exultation instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of the downhearted spirit; and they must be called big trees of righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), the planting of Abba Jahnoy, for His Imperial Majesty's divine Anointed Son to be beautified.

4 And they must rebuild the long-standing devastated places; they will politically raise up even the desolated places of former times, and they will certainly make anew the devastated cities, the places desolate for generation after generation. 5“And strangers will actually stand and shepherd the flocks of YOU people, and the IMF foreigners will be YOUR farmers and YOUR vinedressers. 

6 And as for YOU, the priests of Abba Jahnoy YOU will be called; the human rights ministers of our Elect of God the Father YOU will be said to be. The resources of the bankrupt nation states YOU tewahedo Christian people will eat, and in their glory YOU will speak elatedly about yourselves. 7 Instead of YOUR shame there will be a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will cry out joyfully over their share. Therefore in their land they will take possession of even a double portion.

Rejoicing to time indefinite is what will come to be theirs. 8 For I an I, Abba Jahnoy, am loving justice (political just action), hating IMF robbery along with Jesuit unrighteousness. And I an I will give their wages in trueness, and an indefinitely lasting human rights covenant of mercy I an I shall conclude toward them. 

9 And their offspring will actually be known even among the bankrupt nation states, and their descendants in among the tewahedo Christian peoples. All those seeing them will recognize them, that they are the offspring whom Abba Jahnoy has blessed today.”

10 Without fail I an I shall exult in Abba Jahnoy. My soul (spirit an flesh or intelligence an political status) will be joyful in my Elect of God the Father. For he has clothed me with the garments of human rights salvation; with the sleeveless coat of righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) he has enwrapped me, like the bridegroom who, in a priestly way, puts on a headdress, and like the bride who decks herself with her ornamental things. 

11 For as the earth (193 member nation states) itself brings forth its sprout, and as the garden itself makes the things that are sown in it sprout, in like manner the Sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy will cause the sprouting of righteousness and of praise in front of all the bankrupt nation states at the UN in Geneva today,,,,selah!.\

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church currently has the largest and most diverse Biblical canon within traditional Christendom. (The Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church, which was once a part of the Ethiopian body, shares exactly the same Biblical canon.) Western scholars have classified the books of the Ethiopian canon into two categories — the narrower canon, which is made-up mostly of books familiar to the west, and the broader canon.

While the main purpose of this article is to discuss and highlight the books that are exclusive to the broader canon, it is impossible to do this without at least some discussion of the narrower canon. The Ethiopian broader canon in its fullest form includes the narrower canon in its entirety, as well as nine additional books. It is not known to exist at this time as one published compilation. Some books, though considered canonical, are nonetheless difficult to locate and are not even widely available in Ethiopia.

While the narrower canon has indeed been published as one compilation, there may be no real emic distinction between the broader canon and the narrower canon, especially in so far as divine inspiration and scriptural authority are concerned — and more especially among clerics who may have a greater access to all of the writings. The idea of two such classifications may be nothing more than etic taxonomic conjecture.[1][2]

Contents  [hide]
1 Ethiopian narrower Biblical canon
1.1 Old Testament
1.2 New Testament

2 Ethiopian broader Biblical Canon

2.1 Old Testament
2.1.1 Ethiopic Pseudo-Josephus

2.2 New Testament
2.2.1 Sinodos
2.2.2 The Book of the Covenant
2.2.3 Ethiopic Clement
2.2.4 Ethiopic Didascalia

3 List of books in the Ethiopian Bible
4 Footnotes
5 Further reading
6 External links
Ethiopian narrower Biblical canon

Old Testament
The Ethiopian narrower Old Testament canon contains the entire Hebrew protocanon. Moreover, with the exception of the first two books of Maccabees, the Ethiopian canon also contains the entire Catholic deuterocanon. In addition to this, the Ethiopian Old Testament includes the Prayer of Manasseh, 3 Ezra, and 4 Ezra, which also appear in the canons of other Christian traditions. Unique to the Ethiopian canon are the Paralipomena of Jeremiah (4 Baruch), Jubilees, Enoch, and the three books of Meqabyan.

Some points of clarity concerning the narrower Old Testament should be made. First, the books of Lamentations, Jeremiah, and Baruch, as well as the Letter of Jeremiah and 4 Baruch, are all considered canonical by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It is not always clear as to how these writings are arranged or divided in the Ethiopian canon, however. In some lists, they may simply fall under the title "Jeremiah," while in others, they are divided various ways into separate books.

Moreover, the book of Proverbs is divided into two books — Messale (Prov. 1–24) and Tägsas (Prov. 25–31). Additionally, while the books of Jubilees and Enoch are fairly well-known among western scholars, 1, 2, and 3 Meqabyan are not. The three books of Meqabyan are often called the "Ethiopian Maccabees," but are completely different from the books of Maccabees that are known and/or have been canonized in other traditions. Finally, within the Ethiopian tradition, 3 Ezra is called Second Ezra, 4 Ezra is called Ezra Sutu'el, and the Prayer of Manasseh is incorporated into the Second Book of Chronicles.

New Testament
The Ethiopian narrower New Testament canon consists of the entire 27 book Christian protocanon, which is almost universally accepted across Christendom.[3]
Ethiopian broader Biblical Canon

Ethiopian Orthodox monk from Debre Damo Monastery with an illuminated Bible

In addition to the nine books discussed below, all of the aforementioned books of the narrower canon are also by definition part of the broader canon.

Old Testament
The Ethiopian broader Old Testament only has one additional book — the Ethiopic version of the Book of Joseph ben Gurion.

Ethiopic Pseudo-Josephus
The Book of Joseph ben Gurion, or Pseudo-Josephus, is a history of the Jewish people thought to be based upon the writings of Josephus. The canonical Ethiopic version (1–8 Yosëf wäldä Koryon) has eight parts.

New Testament
The Ethiopian broader New Testament canon has eight additional books. These are the four books of Sinodos, the two divisions of the Book of the Covenant, Ethiopic Clement, and the Ethiopic Didascalia. Most of the literature herein would either be considered part of the writings of the Apostolic Fathers or part of the Ancient Church Orders.

The Ethiopic canonical Sinodos are four books of church order traditionally attributed to the Apostles. They are as follows: Ser`atä Seyon (30 canons), Te'ezaz (71 canons), Gessew (56 canons), and Abtelis (81 canons). Much of the material contained within these books, with the exception of Ser`atä Seyon, is traditionally considered to be of Clementine origin. Other non-canonical parts of the Sinodos are included with these four books within the Ethiopic MSS.

The Book of the Covenant
The Book of the Covenant, or Mäshafä Kidan, is counted in two parts. Part one has sixty sections and is mostly about church order. Part two is the sixty-first section and is a discourse of Iyesus Kristos to his disciples in Galilee (Jamaica) following his (diplomatic) resurrection today in 2012.

Ethiopic Clement
The Ethiopic canonical book of Clement, or Qälëmentos, is distinct from the well known Epistles of Saint Clement — 1 Clement and 2 Clement — as well as the aforementioned Clementine Sinodos and any other Clementine literature known in other traditions. It is a uniquely Ethiopic book in seven parts, communicated by Peter to Clement.

Ethiopic Didascalia
The Ethiopic Didascalia, or Didesqelya, is a book of Church order in 43 chapters, distinct from the Didascalia Apostolorum, but similar to books I–VII of the Apostolic Constitutions, where it most likely finds its origins.[4]

List of books in the Ethiopian Bible

The Ethiopian Bible

Biblical canons and books
Tanakh Torah Nevi'im Ketuvim Christian biblical canons Old Testament (OT) New Testament (NT) Hebrew Bible Deuterocanon Antilegomena Chapters and verses Apocrypha Jewish OT NT

Development and authorship
Authorship Hebrew canon Old Testament canon New Testament canon Mosaic authorship Pauline epistles Johannine works Petrine epistles

Translations and manuscripts
Samaritan Torah Dead Sea scrolls Masoretic text Targums Peshitta Septuagint Vulgate Gothic Bible Vetus Latina Luther Bible English Bibles

Biblical studies
Dating the Ethiopian Bible Biblical criticism Historical criticism Textual criticism Source criticism Form criticism Redaction criticism Canonical criticism Novum Testamentum Graece Documentary hypothesis Wiseman hypothesis Synoptic problem NT textual categories Historicity People Places Names Internal consistency Archeology Artifacts Science and the Ethiopian Bible

Hermeneutics Pesher Midrash Pardes Allegorical interpretation Literalism Prophecy Inspiration

Gnostic Islamic Qur'anic Christianity and Judaism Inerrancy Infallibility Criticism of the Bible

Old Testament
I and II Samuel
I and II Kings
I Chronicles
II Chronicles (incl. the Prayer of Manasseh)
Ezra (2nd) and Ezra Sutuel
I Meqabyan (also called I Maccabees)
II and III Meqabyan (also called II Maccabees)
Messalë (Proverbs ch 1–24)
Tägsas ("Reproof"; Proverbs ch 25–31)
Wisdom of Solomon
Song of Songs
Jeremiah (incl. Lamentations, Letter of Jeremiah, Baruch and 4 Baruch)

New Testament
Acts of the Apostles
I Corinthians
II Corinthians
I Thessalonians
II Thessalonians
I Timothy
II Timothy
I Peter
II Peter
I John
II John
III John
Ser`atä Seyon (30 canons)
Te'ezaz (71 canons)
Gessew (56 canons)
Abtelis (81 canons)
I Covenant
II Covenant
Ethiopic Clement
Ethiopic Didascalia

Divine Revelations of Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ): 

the Promised Return of Negus (King),

 the Anointed One of Ethiopia (Kristos) 

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